Naples High Band
Easy How-to's and Needed Documents
Welcome to Naples High Band! We’ll need all of the documents below, so please click on and fill out each form and return them to the band director ASAP (must be in by the first day of band camp.) All 2024-2025 spot deposits are due May 7th, 2024. Spot deposits are non-refundable and will be applied to any remaining fair share balance for the 2024-2025 school year.
Please be aware that as part of your participation in the band you will need to show proof of insurance. School insurance is available to all students. A packet is distributed to each student at the start of the school year. The purchase of this insurance is optional and is either primary or supplemental insurance based on family coverage. Students participating in the band must show proof of accident/health insurance or purchase mandatory accident insurance through the school athletic/activities secretary prior to participating in the band. The cost of this type of insurance coverage varies depending on the sport.

NHS Band Student Handbook
Please be sure to review and sign the NHS Band Student Handbook which details everything that you need to know about the band season.

NHS Band Media Release
Please complete the NHS Band Photo, Video, Media Release.

Travel Information Form
Please complete the NHS 2024-2025 Travel Information Form so that you may participate in events away from Naples High Band.

CCPS Volunteer Information
Please click the link to learn more about how you can volunteer to support the band.

Intent Form 2024-2025
Hold Your Spot Today! Please sign the Intent Form so that you may participate in band activities.

Student Information Form
Please complete the Student/Parent Information Form including both Student and Parent information for the 2024-2025 band season.

Fair Share Agreement
Please click the link below to access the Fair Share information page and form.

CCPS Consent and Liability Release
Please complete the CCPS High School Marching Band Consent and Liability Release Form.

CCPS Participant Physical Evaluation Form
Please complete the CCPS High School Marching Band Participant Physical Evaluation Form.

Band Camp Information
Download your checklist to make sure you are ready for your first day!

Emergency Medical Authorization
Please complete the CCPS High School Marching Band Emergency Medical Authorization Form.

Free Physical Evaluation
Free CCPS High School Marching Band Participant Physical Evaluation.
June 1, 2024
Do you have any questions? Please contact Mr. Villacis @
Are You Ready?
Have you completed the following:
- Have you completed gathering your proof of insurance or purchased the school’s accident insurance?
- Have you turned in your Student Information, Physical Evaluation Form, Fair Share Agreement, Media Release, Band Handbook Signature Page, and Travel Authorization?
- Have you watched the How-To videos?
- Add NHS to your home screen! Need assistance doing so? Click here for Apple Instructions. Click here for Android instructions.
If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you are officially ready to begin band!
Please remember to bring your water, instrument, and a towel to practice. #GoEagles