Fair Share Agreement
As you are aware, a program of our success and magnitude even with restrictions could not exist without funding. Each family is assigned a “Fair Share” which is defined as the required, annual per-student payment necessary to fund the Naples High School Band Program. The Fair Share amount for the 2024-2025 school year is $700.00. This covers all students enrolled in the Band Program. (Music, uniforms, transportation, outside instructors, etc.) Parents and/or guardians may choose to pay the entire $700 by June 3rd, or elect to pay $300 in installments upfront and “work off” (reduce) all or a part of their $400 balance by volunteering in concessions, on the band volunteer portal. See Payment Instructions below. *Note: To earn a band letter, students or at an event designated “FS” must complete an additional 4 hours (see Handbook), which have not been applied to their family Fair Share credit hours. Band Students who participate fully in all band-sanctioned events can qualify for 25 Bright Future Hrs. (Rules set annually by the Guidance Office.)
Payments are due as follows:
$100 SPOT DEPOSIT (ALL)– This guarantees a marching spot for your student and will be directly applied toward band fees. (Due on or before May 7th at our mandatory forms-return meeting.)
- Option 1: $600 w/signed agreement (below) at Preseason Band Camp, June 3rd, 2024.
- Option 2: $200 w/ signed volunteeragreement (below) at Preseason Band Camp, June 3rd, 2024 AND
Volunteer: Adults/NHS Students
Work: 10 Hours
Reduces Fair Share Balance By: $100
Example: Pay $100 spot deposit in April, pay $200 in June, work 10 hrs. per quarter (10hrs x 4=$400) Total: $700
Any remaining balance not “worked off” by volunteering (up to $400) is due in full by April 2025, or your bill is turned over
to the NHS front office for collection. Penalties may apply.
* Note– Color guard competition uniforms are purchased in addition to the fair share agreement amount above. Uniform
payments are made with a deposit at fitting and the remaining balance upon uniform issuance.
* Note – Percussion students will owe an additional $50 for their performance sticks in addition to the fair share agreement amount above.
** Note – this fee schedule only applies to the 2024-2025 school year. Any donations and/or sponsorships above the fee schedule is greatly appreciated. Sponsorships over $250.00 will be featured on the band website and have a shout out on the band social media sites.
You can satisfy your Fair Share contribution by check, cash, or PayPal. Please do not hesitate to contact the Band Director or any of the Executive Board Members if you should have any questions or concerns relating to your Fair Share or your ability to meet the amount requested. It is crucial to the success of the program that you communicate any difficulty in the payment schedule to us as soon as it is identified. Please check the option that best suits your financial needs. THANK YOU!
Follow these easy steps to take care of your Fair Share amount.
- Print and fill out the Fair Share Agreement document.
- Get the Fair Share Agreement notarized (contact us if you need assistance).
- Return the completed form to the band room mailbox (with your payment if you are not paying by PayPal).
- Pay your Fair Share amount by cash or check to the band room mailbox, by mail to PO Box 10151, Naples, Florida 34101, or by using PayPal below.
Pay Your Fair Share Amount
* A 2.9% fee has been added for credit card payments to help the band offset the cost of processing. Thank you for your support!
Provide Additional Support
The Naples High School Band Boosters are recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to organizations with 501(c)(3) status may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor to determine the deductibility of this contribution.
Print The Agreement